Thank you for your excellent coverage of the paving of Watmough Head Road (“End of the Road”). The machines have been running below our house now for several days and the road is on its way to being permanently changed. Tex Gieling said it right, “Where is the democracy in this?”
We on Lopez will remember. Remember a county government that arrogantly proceeded despite a petition against paving signed by 315 citizens, despite the wishes of 13 neighbors. A county government that had no scientific backup for its implied claim that chip seal is better for the environment than gravel (Public Works document “Gravel Road Conversion; Watmough Road Facts”).
A county government whose main rationale for paving was financial, but when questioned about its claimed savings answered with “We stand by our numbers.”
A county government who ignored its own stated policy in the San Juan County Scenic Roads Manual which requires it to consider many factors in addition to financial in deciding to pave or not pave. A county government that hung its hat on two Watmough neighbors who complained of dust.
(Personally, we were more than disappointed with the lack of leadership on the part of our County Council Person in preventing this).
We on Lopez will remember Watmough.
John and Patsy Sangster