Girls’ Basketball Coach Nate Borg describes his team as having great potential and gaining confidence every year. Last year the team averaged 49 points a game compared to 28 points a game in 2011.
“That was fantastic,” said Borg. “Last year we got a lot of compliments that our girls played like boys because they were really aggressive and really smart.”
Borg added that the girls almost went to state last year, which was the teams’ goal.
Every year Borg has the girls write down their top ten team goals and five personal goals. And the most popular team goals are tallied up as goals for the entire group.
“Goals that are not written down are daydreams,” said Borg, who has high hopes for the season.
The year’s team consists of nine players: four seniors, three juniors and two sophomores.
Borg said the team’s strengths are that a few of the girls have taken on leadership roles and the there is strong teamwork between the players
With small numbers everyone on the team has an important function.
“We gotta be smart and be in shape because of our numbers and our height,” he said. “We were short last year and we’re even shorter this year.”
The girls know their strengths and weaknesses and are up to the challenge, added Borg.
The coach’s wife Melisa will again be the assistant coach and “team mom.”
“I wouldn’t do it without her,” he said.
Throughout the season the Borgs will help the girls not only learn the skill of the game, but teach them larger lessons.
“As a coach you get to find ways to show these girls that they can do extraordinary things that they never thought they could do on the court,” he said. “They can apply that lesson on the rest of their life.”