LIFRC’s After-school Elementary Soccer Program wraps up

Submitted by LIFRC

The Lopez Island Family Resource Center’s After-School Elementary Soccer Program finished up last week with an end of the season pizza celebration at Lopez School. Over 150 participants and their families attended. The program had a record number of kids involved this year, with 64 elementary age students participating in the six-week program, which included bi-weekly practices and two days of interisland games with San Juan and Orcas Island teams. Many thanks to our fantastic coaches and parent volunteers, including Karly and Brian Leyde, Becca Hamilton, Anne Auckland, Christopher O’Bryant, Hailey Riddell, Steven Miller and Kathy Cade. They’ve already begun to work on plans for the following year to accommodate all of our young soccer players! With the growth of the program, we are in need of additional parent volunteers to help the soccer season run smoothly. If you have any interest in helping out next fall, please contact the LIFRC at 468-4117 or any of the above-listed coaches and volunteers