Volleyball team dreams big | Fall preview

Girls from Lopez Island High School give it their all in practice in order to perfect these three fundamentals, fundamentals that could take them all the way to the State Championship.

By Marne’ Cook

Special to the Weekly

Bump! Set! Spike!

Girls from Lopez Island High School give it their all in practice in order to perfect these three fundamentals, fundamentals that could take them all the way to the State Championship.

The high school volleyball team on Lopez Island has been practicing for the past couple weeks to prepare for their upcoming season. There was no time to waste as their first game crept up on them, which took place at the school gymnasium on Tuesday, September 10.

This is the second year Jeremiah Johnson will be coaching the High School Volleyball team.

He optimistically states, “I have a great group of girls to work with. We are all working hard to reach a higher level of play this year. I definitely think we can go all the way this year.”

Seniors include Lena and Nikki Turunen, Autumn Gruenwald, Sarah Reeve, Andrea Rendon and Mattie Jordon. Juniors include Anja Suhih, Riley Magnuson and Shelby Prewitt. Sophomores include Mackenzie Kelley and Mikayla Johnson. There will be no freshmen playing this year.

For more information about times and dates of upcoming games, visit the school website lopezislandschool.org.